We neatly divide our material into crash courses so you only focus on what you need. Get better at technical interviews and level up as a developer every day with our newsletters and interactive courses. Chronological order recommended but not required. Courses are added to and updated on a weekly basis.
We start with Interview Essentials! These critical courses are the bedrock of the AlgoDaily platform. The overwhelming majority of our students will need to go through an algorithmic coding interview, or a systems design or architecture interview. If you're limited on time, follow these curated guides to get to mastery quickly.
Nowadays, there's many different parts of software engineering looking for talent. Data engineers may need to hone in on their SQL skills, while frontend engineers should really know their Javascript. Pick and choose the focuses that you'll need come game day.
Assessment of your soft skills, leadership experiences, and how you vibe with your current and future teammates are all fair game. Behavioral questions, and the stuff that surrounds the technical interviews (like getting referrals, writing a good resume, knowing what to look out for, etc.) are significant parts of the software engineering recruiting process. We break down what you need to know in the following crash courses.