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Someone at Freshworks says...

From day 1, you will be expected to learn about the product and work. You will be assigned a mentor who will be guiding you and helping you along the way.

Freshworks Interview Questions

Note: ensure you read the disclaimer on the previous page reading the accuracy and sourcing of these problems.

People at Freshworks Say

This information was sourced from reviews originally posted on Glassdoor.

Any problems called out are immediately looked into and resolved with priority
Great work life balance and good environment to learn. Employee caring company.
Great care for the employees. Perks are nice. Overall company vision is good.
Freshworks gives you an opportunity to explore other roles. I've seen people without an MBA becoming an HR. Sales Rep turned into a Product manager. QA person becomes a software developer. All you need is passion, dedication and hard work.

Engineering Levels

Hover over to see average compensation details. This data was sourced from submissions at levels.fyi.

Web Development (Front-End)

30k - Base
1k - Stock
N. A. - Bonus
Distributed Systems (Back-End)

30k - Base
2k - Stock
N. A. - Bonus
Full Stack

25k - Base
N. A. - Stock
N. A. - Bonus

29k - Base
2k - Stock
N. A. - Bonus
Distributed Systems (Back-End)

17k - Base
N. A. - Stock
N. A. - Bonus