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Someone at Opendoor says...

Working for a company that does something good for society. You'll learn a lot. Exciting and fast paced environment. You get to work with a lot of smart people

Opendoor Interview Questions

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People at Opendoor Say

This information was sourced from reviews originally posted on Glassdoor.

I get to work on a product that I think is actually really great with people I enjoy. The benefits are solid. Company culture is something that is being worked toward in genuine ways rather than typical startup "here's a ping-pong table" band-aids. I feel comfortable speaking up when I see issues and listened to when I do so.
Hard work is rewarded. I got several raises, bonuses, and promotions in my first two years at Opendoor. I just received a $7000 bonus for working hard during COVID-19.
Interesting domain. Lots of interesting challenges. They're just disrupting the tip of the iceberg. Financial potential is huge.
Strong leadership team, customer-focused, ambitious. SF office is very nice and in good location. High quality people, healthy corporate culture, performance oriented.

Engineering Levels

Hover over to see average compensation details. This data was sourced from submissions at levels.fyi.


211k - Base
300k - Stock
N. A. - Bonus
API Development (Back-End)

210k - Base
175k - Stock
4k - Bonus
Web Development (Front-End)

202k - Base
80k - Stock
N. A. - Bonus

194k - Base
85k - Stock
N. A. - Bonus
Full Stack

130k - Base
17k - Stock
N. A. - Bonus