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Someone at ThoughtSpot says...

People: people are incredibly smart and yet super approachable and willing to go out of their way to teach you new skills. It is a great place for engineers to grow and learn.

ThoughtSpot Interview Questions

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People at ThoughtSpot Say

This information was sourced from reviews originally posted on Glassdoor.

Product is unmatched by a long shot! Customers are excited about what TS has to offer and there's enough buzz going around. Its an amazing feeling, as an engineer, to contribute towards a product and architecture that is implemented well and is robust.
ThoughtSpot's core culture is built on the values of "selfless excellence", i. e. not just do excellent work and continuously raise the bar but also be selfless in doing so. There is zero tolerance for company politics and focus is truly on the impact one brings to the company.
Company is run by a visionary CEO and one of the best CTO I have had pleasure working with. No idea is considered small and information flow is very open. Slack channels are used for information flow with zero filtering and hence any news good/bad is known to everyone so that we are all on the same page on company roadmap, priorities and challenges. This is extremely empowering.
There's a lot of interesting work underway. The environment gives a lot of autonomy in choosing what to work on.

Engineering Levels

Hover over to see average compensation details. This data was sourced from submissions at levels.fyi.

Distributed Systems (Back-End)

165k - Base
56k - Stock
N. A. - Bonus
Web Development (Front-End)

128k - Base
5k - Stock
N. A. - Bonus
Testing (SDET)

110k - Base
20k - Stock
N. A. - Bonus
Not Available

Not Available - Base
- Stock
- Bonus
Not Available

Not Available - Base
- Stock
- Bonus